Reward Agency carried out HR-salary survey with HR management association HENRY ry assignment at the change of the year 2016-2017. The survey aimed to produce topical information from HR-jobs’ salaries in Finland. The target group consisted of people, whose main role was in the human resources professional, manager or leadership positions. The survey had 440 participants through an internet survey and the central findings were displayed at HENRY:s membership event at the last week of January 2017.
HR-salary survey’s data was gathered through an internet questionnaire in November-December 2016. Altogether 440 HR professionals responded to the survey. 86 % of the respondents worked in the private sector and 14% worked in the public sector. 54 % of the organisations were private non-listed companies, 29 % listed companies and 17 % for example municipal or central government organisations or foundations, associations and cooperatives. 85% of respondents were women, 15% men, 52 worked in professional jobs and 48% in managerial.
The respondents’ jobs were classified into five levels based on the given information. The classification utilizesd the job grade, if the respondent gave such. Other jobs were classified into five levels. The levels in the sample focused on demanding professional and managerial jobs, which reflects the background of the participants. Over 80% of participants had at least 6-10 years of experience. Success in similar jobs requires strong know-how and typically also wide experience from the right kind of jobs.
HR-jobs’ fixed monthly salary (base salary +benefits) median varies from 3 000 euros to 10 000 euros depending on the job level. The lowest level jobs’ incentives were very low, being around 0-1 week’s fixed salary on annual basis. The more demanding HR-jobs had on average 1-1,5 monthly salary as the short term incentive.
Of the participating organisations 62% had a Short Term Incentive program and 55% of respondents belonged to one. Long Term Incentive program was only used in 30% of the organisations and only 12% of respondents belonged to one. The incentive opportunities are usually the higher, the more demanding the job is. In HR-jobs the maximum Short Term Incentive opportunity varies between 9-33% of fixed salary and Long Term Incentive maximum opportunities between 5-50% of fixed salary.
Read more about the results from Henry’s blog. If you are a member of Henry, you can download the free report from Henry’s website.